Lindblad Resolution Iceland Expedition

Getting everything ready for the repositioning transit

Lindblad Expedition passengers aboard the National Geographic Resolution adopted one of the 12 floats we’ll deploy from the cruise ship this fall. The float will be deployed in the Pacific Ocean in mid-October, so make sure to keep up with the blog for more news. We’ll share photos, data, and links so you can track the float as it continues its mission to collect data and roam the Pacific!

Many passengers came by to sign their names on the float and write some well wishes. This was the culmination of a few days of outreach from technician Melissa Miller, who got to ride the ship and engage with passengers. Keep an eye out for the next blog post, with more photos and stories from that once in a lifetime experience!

passengers decorating float. Photo by Melissa Miller

Some of the passengers decorating their adopted float. Photo by Melissa Miller.

passengers decorating float. Photo by Melissa Miller

Some of the passengers decorating their adopted float. Photo by Melissa Miller.

passengers decorating float. Photo by Melissa Miller

Some of the passengers decorating their adopted float. Photo by Melissa Miller.

Stay tuned for more information about the Iceland Expedition and follow along with a series of blogs by Isa Rosso during the repositioning transit.

About the Author—Melissa Miller is a staff member in the GO-BGC and SOCCOM float programs who has deployed dozens of floats in her years at Scripps Oceanography and is also a freelance science writer who organizes science panels at pop culture conventions.