Float Checks with Andrew

Andrew Meyer from the University of Washington met the National Geographic Resolution to check out the floats and make sure they’re ready for deployment.

Andrew Meyer from the University of Washington joined the National Geographic Resolution in Kagoshima, Japan. Since Melissa loaded the floats on the ship in Iceland, they have traveled around Greenland, through the Northwest Passage, and then along the Aleutian Islands all while safely tucked away in the ship’s garage. Andrew got the floats all out of their crates during his six days onboard to make sure they’re ready for deployment. And it’s a good thing he did because one out of the 12 was no longer communicating properly. It will be sent home for repairs but the other 11 are ready to go! The floats got a little tour of the ship since they need to be outside with a clear view of the sky in order to get tested. Some were tested while the ship was tied up in various ports and some braved the weather while the ship was underway.
map of ship's course

This display shows the ship’s route around Japan. Photo by Andrew Meyer.

floats by the foggy rail

Floats along the rail in the fog. Photo by Andrew Meyer.

floats in port

Checking out floats while in port. Photo by Andrew Meyer.

The Lindblad passengers who were onboard for an amazing cruise around the Japanese islands also got to adopt one of the floats (#22218, to be deployed in a few weeks). Andrew brought it to base camp and people came to sign their names and send it off with well wishes. He also gave a talk and answered a ton of questions about the float program.
decorating the float onboard the nat geo resolution

Passengers decorate a float during their cruise. Photo by Andrew Meyer.

float decorated by the passengers of the nat geo resolution

The finished product! Photo by Andrew Meyer.

science hub on nat geo resolution

The science hub has lots of info about the SOCCOM and GO-BGC float programs. Photo by Andrew Meyer.

science talks onboard the nat geo resolution

There are lots of science talks during National Geographic-Lindblad Expeditions. Photo by Andrew Meyer.

Andrew also got to have plenty of fun with the passengers on shore excursions and relaxing around the ship during his voyage. The National Geographic Resolution is an amazing ship and we’re so excited to be working with Lindblad Expeditions! Taking over next is Isa Rosso, who will be onboard the ship for a month finally deploying the floats. Keep an eye out for her blog posts along the way!

zodiac loading bay

The Zodiac loading bay on the National Geographic Resolution. Photo by Andrew Meyer.

Zodiac alongside Nat Geo Resolution

The Zodiac tied up alongside the ship. Photo by Andrew Meyer.

Nat geo resolution in port

The National Geographic Resolution offshore at one of the many beautiful Japanese ports. Photo by Andrew Meyer.

view from the nat geo resolution

Not a bad view out of your office window! Photo by Andrew Meyer.