3 May 2022
On Day 4 at Sea, Vic Dina, successfully deployed our second BGC-Argo float (Wolfie) along the way toward the first actual station of the expedition (Picture 1). Wolfie was beautifully decorated by our science party with the mascot of grades 9 to 11 at Merlo Institute of Environmental Technology Stockton, CA. Wolfie was deployed on the southwestern edge of an ocean eddy – circular currents of water (see the circular arrows near the green star in the image below). We can’t wait to see Wolfie’s exciting voyage from the data she will send us!
Caption: Res-Tech Josh Manger (left) confirming the location of deployment with the bridge while Vic Dina (right) getting ready to deploy Wolfie. Photo Credit: Shuwen Tan

Caption: Wolfie at sea. Photo Credit: Shuwen Tan

Surface currents forecast from the Copernicus Marine Service. Wolfie was deployed at the green star, which is at the southwestern edge of an ocean eddy (red circle). Figure Credit: Natalie Freeman. Data from Copernicus Marine Service.