README_FLOATvsBOTTLE.TXT This is a text file with notes on the float vs bottle matchup table. The table matches shipbaord bottle data taken at the time of SOCCOM and/or GO-BGC float deployment with adjusted data from the float's first profile. These comparisons serve as independent validation of float data quality control. 1. Bottle data is interpolated onto float pressure levels. 2. When bottle total alkalinity (TA) is not available, ESPER_Mixed is used to estimate TA, Si, and PO4. 3. Bottle pH at insitu temperature is calculated using CO2SYSv3 or CO2SYSSOCCOM with input variables of. K1K2 from Lueker et al, 2000 KSO4 from Dickson 1990 TB from Lee 2010 The float vs bottle table is currently updated ad hoc, but will be updated and served more routinely in the near future. For inquires, contact: Tanya Maurer Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute